Property Crime Information
Property Crime is the most commonly reported type of crime reported in the United States and it’s no secret that some of that crime happens in your area. On September 16th, 2013 the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) reported the following findings in their Annual Crime Statistics Report for 2012:
There were 8,975,438 property crimes reported in 2013 – That’s almost 9 million – far too many and one of the reasons crime needs tackling, but however hard you crack down on it, you can’t eradicate it completely. This means that the onus is on the home or business owner to try and protect their expensive items as best as they possibly can.
Victims of property crime suffered approximately $15.5 billion in losses and damages. With many Americans on the breadline, losing some or all of their property or suffering damage to something
they can’t afford to replace can be an awful position to be in.
The arrest rate for property crimes is more than 3 times than that for violent crimes, which means at least something is being done and there has been a decrease in property crime of 0.9%. But there are all too many cases that aren’t solved and instances where no arrests are made, which is why it’s imperative for both business owners and homeowners to protect their belongings as well as their property.
For complete access to this report and and others like it provided by the Federal Bureau of Investigation visit: FBI Crime Statistics Report 2012 and the FBI Crime Statistics Database and Archives.